Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen therapy, also known as supplemental oxygen, is the use of oxygen as a medical treatment. This can include for low blood oxygen, carbon monoxide toxicity, cluster headaches, and to maintain enough oxygen while inhaled anesthetics are given. Long term oxygen is often useful in people with chronically low oxygen such as from severe COPD or cystic fibrosis. Oxygen can be given in a number of ways including nasal cannula, face mask, and inside a hyperbaric chamber.

Oxygen is required for normal cell metabolism. Excessively high concentrations can cause oxygen toxicity such as lung damage or result in respiratory failure in those who are predisposed. Higher oxygen concentrations also increase the risk of fires, particularly while smoking, and without humidification can also dry out the nose. The target oxygen saturation recommended depends on the condition being treated. In most conditions a saturation of 94–96% is recommended, while in those at risk of carbon dioxide retention saturations of 88–92% are preferred, and in those with carbon monoxide toxicity or cardiac arrest they should be as high as possible. Air is typically 21% oxygen by volume while oxygen therapy increases this by some amount up to 100%.

The use of oxygen in medicine became common around 1917. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system. The cost of home oxygen is about 150 USD a month in Brazil and 400 USD a month in the United States. Home oxygen can be provided either by oxygen tanks or an oxygen concentrator. Oxygen is believed to be the most common treatment given in hospitals in the developed world.

  • A metaanalysis of the effectiveness and safety of ozone treatments for herniated lumbar discs.

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    Abstract Title:

    A metaanalysis of the effectiveness and safety of ozone treatments for herniated lumbar discs.

    Abstract Source:

    J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2010 Apr;21(4):534-48. Epub 2010 Feb 25. PMID: 20188591

    Abstract Author(s):

    Jim Steppan, Thomas Meaders, Mario Muto, Kieran J Murphy

    Article Affiliation:

    ActiveO, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.


    PURPOSE: To determine statistically significant effects of oxygen/ozone treatment of herniated discs with respect to pain, function, and complication rate. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Random-effects metaanalyses were used to estimate outcomes for oxygen/ozone treatment of herniated discs. A literature search provided relevant studies that were weighted by a study quality score. Separate metaanalyses were performed for visual analog scale (VAS), Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), and modified MacNab outcome scales, as well as for complication rate. Institutional review board approval was not required for this retrospective analysis. RESULTS: Twelve studies were included in the metaanalyses. The inclusion/exclusion criteria, patient demographics, clinical trial rankings, treatment procedures, outcome measures, and complications are summarized. Metaanalyses were performed on the oxygen/ozone treatment results for almost 8,000 patients from multiple centers. The mean improvement was 3.9 for VAS and 25.7 for ODI. The likelihood of showing improvement on the modified MacNab scale was 79.7%. The means for the VAS and ODI outcomes are well above the minimum clinically important difference and the minimum (significant) detectable change. The likelihood of complications was 0.064%. CONCLUSIONS: Oxygen/ozone treatment of herniated discs is an effective and extremely safe procedure. The estimated improvement in pain and function is impressive in view of the broad inclusion criteria, which included patients ranging in age from 13 to 94 years with all types of disc herniations. Pain and function outcomes are similar to the outcomes for lumbar discs treated with surgical discectomy, but the complication rate is much lower (<0.1%) and the recovery time is significantly shorter.

  • A metaanalysis of the effectiveness and safety of ozone treatments for herniated lumbar discs.

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    Abstract Title:

    A metaanalysis of the effectiveness and safety of ozone treatments for herniated lumbar discs.

    Abstract Source:

    J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2010 Apr;21(4):534-48. Epub 2010 Feb 25. PMID: 20188591

    Abstract Author(s):

    Jim Steppan, Thomas Meaders, Mario Muto, Kieran J Murphy

    Article Affiliation:

    ActiveO, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.


    PURPOSE: To determine statistically significant effects of oxygen/ozone treatment of herniated discs with respect to pain, function, and complication rate. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Random-effects metaanalyses were used to estimate outcomes for oxygen/ozone treatment of herniated discs. A literature search provided relevant studies that were weighted by a study quality score. Separate metaanalyses were performed for visual analog scale (VAS), Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), and modified MacNab outcome scales, as well as for complication rate. Institutional review board approval was not required for this retrospective analysis. RESULTS: Twelve studies were included in the metaanalyses. The inclusion/exclusion criteria, patient demographics, clinical trial rankings, treatment procedures, outcome measures, and complications are summarized. Metaanalyses were performed on the oxygen/ozone treatment results for almost 8,000 patients from multiple centers. The mean improvement was 3.9 for VAS and 25.7 for ODI. The likelihood of showing improvement on the modified MacNab scale was 79.7%. The means for the VAS and ODI outcomes are well above the minimum clinically important difference and the minimum (significant) detectable change. The likelihood of complications was 0.064%. CONCLUSIONS: Oxygen/ozone treatment of herniated discs is an effective and extremely safe procedure. The estimated improvement in pain and function is impressive in view of the broad inclusion criteria, which included patients ranging in age from 13 to 94 years with all types of disc herniations. Pain and function outcomes are similar to the outcomes for lumbar discs treated with surgical discectomy, but the complication rate is much lower (<0.1%) and the recovery time is significantly shorter.

  • A metaanalysis of the effectiveness and safety of ozone treatments for herniated lumbar discs.

    facebook Share on Facebook
    Abstract Title:

    A metaanalysis of the effectiveness and safety of ozone treatments for herniated lumbar discs.

    Abstract Source:

    J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2010 Apr;21(4):534-48. Epub 2010 Feb 25. PMID: 20188591

    Abstract Author(s):

    Jim Steppan, Thomas Meaders, Mario Muto, Kieran J Murphy

    Article Affiliation:

    ActiveO, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.


    PURPOSE: To determine statistically significant effects of oxygen/ozone treatment of herniated discs with respect to pain, function, and complication rate. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Random-effects metaanalyses were used to estimate outcomes for oxygen/ozone treatment of herniated discs. A literature search provided relevant studies that were weighted by a study quality score. Separate metaanalyses were performed for visual analog scale (VAS), Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), and modified MacNab outcome scales, as well as for complication rate. Institutional review board approval was not required for this retrospective analysis. RESULTS: Twelve studies were included in the metaanalyses. The inclusion/exclusion criteria, patient demographics, clinical trial rankings, treatment procedures, outcome measures, and complications are summarized. Metaanalyses were performed on the oxygen/ozone treatment results for almost 8,000 patients from multiple centers. The mean improvement was 3.9 for VAS and 25.7 for ODI. The likelihood of showing improvement on the modified MacNab scale was 79.7%. The means for the VAS and ODI outcomes are well above the minimum clinically important difference and the minimum (significant) detectable change. The likelihood of complications was 0.064%. CONCLUSIONS: Oxygen/ozone treatment of herniated discs is an effective and extremely safe procedure. The estimated improvement in pain and function is impressive in view of the broad inclusion criteria, which included patients ranging in age from 13 to 94 years with all types of disc herniations. Pain and function outcomes are similar to the outcomes for lumbar discs treated with surgical discectomy, but the complication rate is much lower (<0.1%) and the recovery time is significantly shorter.

  • Epigenetica ambiente e salute, Nutrizione e nutraceutica Dalla Medicina alla fisica o dalla fisica alla medicina?


    Congresso di aggiornamento e divulgazione medico scientifica

    Programma definitivo aggiornato 


    Epigenetica ambiente e salute, Nutrizione e nutraceutica

    Dalla Medicina alla fisica o dalla fisica alla medicina?

    La riprogrammazione cellulare e il nuovo

    Paradigma per la prevenzione

    L’uomo ha l’età dei suoi mitocondri

    Dalla ricerca di base alla pratica clinica

    Presentazione del MASTER sull’EPIGENETICA

    Il Convegno si terrà il 9 settembre 2018 a Bologna

    presso :



    Via Michelino,73 , 40127 BOLOGNA, ITALY

    Tel : +39 (0) 51 63 77 707 Fax : +39 (0) 51 51 92 24

    Uscita autostrada n. 8

      Data Domenica 9 Settembre 2018
    Orario:    9.00 – 13.00    14.00 – 18.00

    Inizio registrazione ore  08.20

    Prenotazione obbligatoria - Segreteria Scientifica

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    Segreteria organizzativa per le iscrizioni

    AKESIOS S.r.l.

    Per iscrizioni :

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    Le ricordo che l’iscrizione è obbligatoria e gratuita

    Per i primi 100 iscritti vi è l’opportunità di riservare LIGHT LUNCH + TEST EPIGENETICO (valore 120 Euro)  a una tariffa di € 50,00 (IVA inclusa) – pagamento da effettuarsi in sede il giorno del Congresso.

    Oppure solo il lunch (pausa pranzo) al prezzo di 25 Euro

    Al fine di perfezionare l’iscrizione è necessario cliccare al seguente link e completare la registrazione con i suoi dati e con i servizi scelti (solo iscrizione oppure iscrizione + Light Lunch e test epigenetico)

    Modulo per iscrizione diretta eventualmente da copiare e incollare sul browser :

    08.20 Registrazione dei partecipanti

    Saluto delle autorità

    08.45 Introduzione: Dalla ricerca di base alla pratica clinica

    Moderatori: Fabio Burigana; Alberto Ugo Caddeo

    09.30 Esteban Peiró Monzó

    Epigenetica: un nuovo strumento professionale

    10.00 Dott. Massimo Bonucci

    La medicina integrata, nutrizionale e nutraceutica per i


    10.30 La medicina mitocondriale ed il ruolo epigenetico

    dell’alimentazione e della nutraceutica alla luce delle

    nuove evidenze scientifiche. - Massimo Spattini

    11.00 Conoscere i propri rischi per migliorare lo stile di vita:

    Cosa, come quando e quanto fare - Mauro Mario Mariani

    11.30 Lezione magistrale

    “Epigenetica, Medicina, Biofisica e biorisonanza”

    Pier Giorgio Spaggiari

    12.00 Lezione magistrale

    Corso di aggiornamento e formazione sull’epigenetica

    nell’era dell’inquinamento 4.0 dal punto di vista chimico,

    biochimico e biofisico - Carlos Orozco

    12.40 Esperienza Clinica su nutrizione e nutraceutica dal punto di vista epigenetico

    Maristella Marchetti

    13.10 Lunch


    Moderatori: Fabio Burigana; Alberto Ugo Caddeo

    14.20 L’importanze della nutrizione e della nutraceutica nella prevenzione

    Marta Ciani

    14.50 Lezione magistrale

    La carenza di ossigeno nelle patologie infiammatorie

    Mauro Miceli

    15.30 Lezione Magistrale

    Inflammasoma e sua modulazione(lezioni dalle oroflogosi)

    Vincenzo Aloisantoni

    16.10 Lezione Magistrale

    Dalla genetica all’epigenetica : una nuova possibilità di

    fare prevenzione - Damiano Galimberti

    16.50 Lezione Magistrale La riprogrammazione cellulare epigenetica nella

    prevenzione e supporto nella medicina antiage e nella

    neurodegenerazione - Pier Mario Biava

    17.20 Corso di formazione Teorico Pratico su epigenetica, nutraceutica e sulla

    interpretazione del test “REPORT” nella pratica clinica dal punto di vista biofisico.

    Carlos Orozco Sthephan Peiro Maristella Marchetti

    18.30 Chiusura Congresso -  Rilascio attestati

    Un medico saggio disse:
    "La migliore medicina è l'amore ".
    Qualcuno gli domandò:
    "E se non funziona?"
    Lui sorrise e gli rispose:
    "Aumenta le dosi"


    Relatori e moderatori:


    Prof. Carlos Orozco

    Il dott. Carlos Orozco vanta oltre 20 anni di esperienza nella ricerca clinica e biomedica ed è stato ricercatore a contratto presso il Karolinska Institute di Stoccolma, Sveiza; il Women’s Clinic di Tubinga, Germania; il National Institute of Nutrition e il National Institute of Respiratory Diseases di Città del Messico, Messico. Il dott. Carlos Orozco esercita medicina naturale ed energetica, ed è specializzato in sostegno oncologico e al sonno, alla nutrizione, alla guarigione quantica e alla fertilità. Ha conseguito un dottorato (PhD) in biochimica e immunologia riproduttiva presso la Scuola di scienze biomediche dell’Università di Griffith di Brisbane, Australia. Ha seguito una formazione in Nutrizione, Medicina, Naturopatia, Agopuntura, Biofisica, Biologia sperimentale, Biochimica e Immunologia - Ha lavorato negli ultimi 15 anni nel campo dell’oncologia, dell’oncologia ginecologica e della medicina integrativa ed energetica.


    Prof. Piergiorgio Spaggiari

     Si laurea in Fisica .Diventa  responsabile delle apparecchiature di fisica nucleare per una multinazionale, estendendo ricerche in oncologia. Si laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia e si specializza in Medicina dello Sport. Viene assunto come ricercatore all’Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche dove riveste il ruolo di Assistente del Presidente. Autore di numerose pubblicazioni scientifiche e relatore in numerosi convegni nazionali e internazionali.


    Dott. Mauro Mario Mariani

    medico chirurgo, specialista in Angiologia, si definisce mangiologo considerata la sua attività professionale dedicata alla corretta alimentazione basata sulla dieta Mediterranea. Tra i massimi esperti in terapia chelante.


    Prof. Vincenzo Aloisantoni

    medico odontoiatra prof. a.c. Universitá Guglielmo Marconi Roma


    Dr. Damiano Galimberti

    Specialista in Scienze dell'Alimentazione e Professore a contratto in Nutrigenomica. Fondatore e Presidente dell’Associazione Italiana Medici Anti-Aging (AMIA)


    Dott Massimo Spattini

    Medico Chirurgo - Specialista in Medicina dello Sport

    Specialista in Scienze dell’Alimentazione  - Board Certified in Anti-aging & Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM – USA)


    Dott. Alberto Ugo  Caddeo

    Medico chirurgo, specialista in anestesiologia e rianimazione, psicoterapeuta, agopuntore, docente in Quantum Medicine CNR Milano


    Dott. Fabio Burigana

    Medico, specialista in Gastroenterologia ed endoscopia digestiva, Presidente di AMEC "Associazione Medicina e Complessità“. Autore di articoli scientifici e libri; relatore in convegni e seminari in particolare sul tema del paradigma della complessità in biologia e medicina.


    Dr. Massimo Bonucci
    Specialista in “Oncologia” e in “Anatomia Patologica” e Presidente della A.R.T.O.I. “Associazione Ricerche Terapie Oncologiche Integrate”.


    Dott.ssa Maristella Marchetti

    Biologa - Specialista in Scienza della Nutrizione - Ricercatrice


    Prof. Mauro Miceli

    Biochimico Nutrizionista, Docente  del corso di Laurea in Tecnologie di  Laboratorio Biomedico Università di Firenze.


    Dott.ssa Marta Ciani, 

    Biologo Nutrizionista 


    Dott. Pier Mario Biava

    medico del lavoro, si è laureato in Medicina nell’Università di Pavia, specializzandosi prima in medicina del lavoro all'Università di Padova ed in seguito in igiene all'Università di Trieste. Fa parte dei Comitati Scientifici di alcune riviste internazionali nel campo dell’oncologia e dell’epidemiologia.


    Ringraziamo per la preziosa collaborazione:


    Arnica Ingross - Trento

    Il Convegno si terrà presso :



    Via Michelino,73 , 40127 BOLOGNA, ITALY

    Tel : +39 (0) 51 63 77 707 Fax : +39 (0) 51 51 92 24

    Uscita autostrada n. 8

    Iscrizione obbligatoria gratuita : 0,00€

     In alternativa per  le prime 100 prenotazioni:

    Con La quota di 50 Euro è compreso  il lunch light e un test (del  valore di 120 euro) con il nuovo dispositivo Sdrive,  il giorno dell’evento.

     Corso riservato a Medici, Farmacisti,

    Biologi, nutrizionisti, e a tutti gli operatori del settore salute e prevenzione

             Data Domenica 9 Settembre 2018
           Orario:    9.00 – 13.00    14.00 – 18.00

    Inizio registrazione ore  08.20

     Prenotazione obbligatoria

    Segreteria Scientifica

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     Segreteria organizzativa per le iscrizioni

    AKESIOS S.r.l.

    Per iscrizioni :

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  • Hyper- or normobaric oxygen therapy to treat migraine and cluster headache pain. Cochrane review

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    Abstract Title:

    [Hyper- or normobaric oxygen therapy to treat migraine and cluster headache pain. Cochrane review].

    Abstract Source:

    Schmerz. 2008 Apr;22(2):129-32, 134-6. PMID: 17885769

    Abstract Author(s):

    A Schnabel, M Bennet, F Schuster, N Roewer, P Kranke

    Article Affiliation:

    Klinik und Poliklinik für Anästhesiologie und operative Intensivmedizin, Universitätsklinikum Münster, Münster, Germany.


    BACKGROUND:The aim of this systematic review was to assess the benefits and harms of supplemental oxygen (HBOT/NBOT) for treating and preventing migraine and cluster headaches.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS:All randomized trials comparing the effect of supplemental oxygen on migraine or cluster headache with those that exclude supplemental oxygen were included in this review. The systematic search included all relevant sources according to the paradigms of the Cochrane Collaboration. Data were analyzed with RevMan 4.2.

    RESULTS:Nine trials involving 201 participants satisfied the inclusion criteria. HBOT was effective in relieving an acute migraine and seemed to be sufficient in the treatment of an acute cluster attack. NBOT was effective in terminating acute cluster headache compared to sham treatment, but not in comparison to sublingual ergotamine. There was no evidence for any prophylactic effects. Serious adverse effects were not noted in the trials investigated.

    CONCLUSIONS:There is some evidence that HBOT is effective for termination of acute migraine. NBOT was similarly effective in cluster headache, however with sparse data. Because of costs and poor availability HBOT cannot be regarded as a routine therapy. Further indications in the case of treatment failure using standard therapy need to be defined based on data of future clinical trials.

  • Hyper- or normobaric oxygen therapy to treat migraine and cluster headache pain. Cochrane review

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    Abstract Title:

    [Hyper- or normobaric oxygen therapy to treat migraine and cluster headache pain. Cochrane review].

    Abstract Source:

    Schmerz. 2008 Apr;22(2):129-32, 134-6. PMID: 17885769

    Abstract Author(s):

    A Schnabel, M Bennet, F Schuster, N Roewer, P Kranke

    Article Affiliation:

    Klinik und Poliklinik für Anästhesiologie und operative Intensivmedizin, Universitätsklinikum Münster, Münster, Germany.


    BACKGROUND:The aim of this systematic review was to assess the benefits and harms of supplemental oxygen (HBOT/NBOT) for treating and preventing migraine and cluster headaches.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS:All randomized trials comparing the effect of supplemental oxygen on migraine or cluster headache with those that exclude supplemental oxygen were included in this review. The systematic search included all relevant sources according to the paradigms of the Cochrane Collaboration. Data were analyzed with RevMan 4.2.

    RESULTS:Nine trials involving 201 participants satisfied the inclusion criteria. HBOT was effective in relieving an acute migraine and seemed to be sufficient in the treatment of an acute cluster attack. NBOT was effective in terminating acute cluster headache compared to sham treatment, but not in comparison to sublingual ergotamine. There was no evidence for any prophylactic effects. Serious adverse effects were not noted in the trials investigated.

    CONCLUSIONS:There is some evidence that HBOT is effective for termination of acute migraine. NBOT was similarly effective in cluster headache, however with sparse data. Because of costs and poor availability HBOT cannot be regarded as a routine therapy. Further indications in the case of treatment failure using standard therapy need to be defined based on data of future clinical trials.

  • Hyper- or normobaric oxygen therapy to treat migraine and cluster headache pain. Cochrane review

    facebook Share on Facebook
    Abstract Title:

    [Hyper- or normobaric oxygen therapy to treat migraine and cluster headache pain. Cochrane review].

    Abstract Source:

    Schmerz. 2008 Apr;22(2):129-32, 134-6. PMID: 17885769

    Abstract Author(s):

    A Schnabel, M Bennet, F Schuster, N Roewer, P Kranke

    Article Affiliation:

    Klinik und Poliklinik für Anästhesiologie und operative Intensivmedizin, Universitätsklinikum Münster, Münster, Germany.


    BACKGROUND:The aim of this systematic review was to assess the benefits and harms of supplemental oxygen (HBOT/NBOT) for treating and preventing migraine and cluster headaches.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS:All randomized trials comparing the effect of supplemental oxygen on migraine or cluster headache with those that exclude supplemental oxygen were included in this review. The systematic search included all relevant sources according to the paradigms of the Cochrane Collaboration. Data were analyzed with RevMan 4.2.

    RESULTS:Nine trials involving 201 participants satisfied the inclusion criteria. HBOT was effective in relieving an acute migraine and seemed to be sufficient in the treatment of an acute cluster attack. NBOT was effective in terminating acute cluster headache compared to sham treatment, but not in comparison to sublingual ergotamine. There was no evidence for any prophylactic effects. Serious adverse effects were not noted in the trials investigated.

    CONCLUSIONS:There is some evidence that HBOT is effective for termination of acute migraine. NBOT was similarly effective in cluster headache, however with sparse data. Because of costs and poor availability HBOT cannot be regarded as a routine therapy. Further indications in the case of treatment failure using standard therapy need to be defined based on data of future clinical trials.

  • Oxygen Therapy

  • Oxygen Therapy

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    Oxygen therapy, also known as supplemental oxygen, is the use of oxygen as a medical treatment. This can include for low blood oxygen, carbon monoxide toxicity, cluster headaches, and to maintain enough oxygen while inhaled anesthetics are given. Long term oxygen is often useful in people with chronically low oxygen such as from severe COPD or cystic fibrosis. Oxygen can be given in a number of ways including nasal cannula, face mask, and inside a hyperbaric chamber.

  • Two cases of hepatopulmonary syndrome with improved liver function following long-term oxygen therapy.

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    Abstract Title:

    Two cases of hepatopulmonary syndrome with improved liver function following long-term oxygen therapy.

    Abstract Source:

    J Gastroenterol. 2007 Feb;42(2):176-80. Epub 2007 Mar 12. PMID: 17351808

    Abstract Author(s):

    Kazuko Y Fukushima, Hiroshi Yatsuhashi, Akitoshi Kinoshita, Toshihito Ueki, Takehiro Matsumoto, Mitsuhiko Osumi, Yohjiro Matsuoka


    Hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS) is a complication of liver disease that is characterized by hypoxemia and intrapulmonary vascular dilatations. The only established therapy for this disorder is liver transplantation. Here, we report two patients (a 63-year-old woman and a 72-year-old man) with HPS associated with hepatitis C virus-related cirrhosis. We gave the patients low-dose oxygen supplementation to improve their respiratory symptoms. Surprisingly, their liver function improved from Child Pugh class C to class A, and ascites disappeared after a year of oxygen supplementation. We believe that long-term oxygen therapy contributed to the improvement of liver function in these two cases. Long-term oxygen therapy might offer a new therapeutic approach to improve liver function in patients with cirrhosis with hypoxemia.

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