Mitochondrial Diseases

  • A combination of nutriments improves mitochondrial biogenesis and function in skeletal muscle of type 2 diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats. 📎

    Abstract Title:

    A combination of nutriments improves mitochondrial biogenesis and function in skeletal muscle of type 2 diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats.

    Abstract Source:

    PLoS One. 2008;3(6):e2328. Epub 2008 Jun 4. PMID: 18523557

    Abstract Author(s):

    Weili Shen, Jiejie Hao, Chuan Tian, Jinmin Ren, Lu Yang, Xuesen Li, Cheng Luo, Carl W Cotma, Jiankang Liu


    BACKGROUND: Recent evidence indicates that insulin resistance in skeletal muscle may be related to reduce mitochondrial number and oxidation capacity. However, it is not known whether increasing mitochondrial number and function improves insulin resistance. In the present study, we investigated the effects of a combination of nutrients on insulin resistance and mitochondrial biogenesis/function in skeletal muscle of type 2 diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We demonstrated that defect of glucose and lipid metabolism is associated with low mitochondrial content and reduced mitochondrial enzyme activity in skeletal muscle of the diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats. The treatment of combination of R-alpha-lipoic acid, acetyl-L-carnitine, nicotinamide, and biotin effectively improved glucose tolerance, decreased the basal insulin secretion and the level of circulating free fatty acid (FFA), and prevented the reduction of mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle. The nutrients treatment also significantly increased mRNA levels of genes involved in lipid metabolism, including peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (Ppar alpha), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-delta (Ppar delta), and carnitine palmitoyl transferase-1 (Mcpt-1) and activity of mitochondrial complex I and II in skeletal muscle. All of these effects of mitochondrial nutrients are comparable to that of the antidiabetic drug, pioglitazone. In addition, the treatment with nutrients, unlike pioglitazone, did not cause body weight gain. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data suggest that a combination of mitochondrial targeting nutrients may improve skeletal mitochondrial dysfunction and exert hypoglycemic effects, without causing weight gain.

  • Epigenetica ambiente e salute, Nutrizione e nutraceutica Dalla Medicina alla fisica o dalla fisica alla medicina?


    Congresso di aggiornamento e divulgazione medico scientifica

    Programma definitivo aggiornato 


    Epigenetica ambiente e salute, Nutrizione e nutraceutica

    Dalla Medicina alla fisica o dalla fisica alla medicina?

    La riprogrammazione cellulare e il nuovo

    Paradigma per la prevenzione

    L’uomo ha l’età dei suoi mitocondri

    Dalla ricerca di base alla pratica clinica

    Presentazione del MASTER sull’EPIGENETICA

    Il Convegno si terrà il 9 settembre 2018 a Bologna

    presso :



    Via Michelino,73 , 40127 BOLOGNA, ITALY

    Tel : +39 (0) 51 63 77 707 Fax : +39 (0) 51 51 92 24

    Uscita autostrada n. 8

      Data Domenica 9 Settembre 2018
    Orario:    9.00 – 13.00    14.00 – 18.00

    Inizio registrazione ore  08.20

    Prenotazione obbligatoria - Segreteria Scientifica

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    Segreteria organizzativa per le iscrizioni

    AKESIOS S.r.l.

    Per iscrizioni :

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    Le ricordo che l’iscrizione è obbligatoria e gratuita

    Per i primi 100 iscritti vi è l’opportunità di riservare LIGHT LUNCH + TEST EPIGENETICO (valore 120 Euro)  a una tariffa di € 50,00 (IVA inclusa) – pagamento da effettuarsi in sede il giorno del Congresso.

    Oppure solo il lunch (pausa pranzo) al prezzo di 25 Euro

    Al fine di perfezionare l’iscrizione è necessario cliccare al seguente link e completare la registrazione con i suoi dati e con i servizi scelti (solo iscrizione oppure iscrizione + Light Lunch e test epigenetico)

    Modulo per iscrizione diretta eventualmente da copiare e incollare sul browser :

    08.20 Registrazione dei partecipanti

    Saluto delle autorità

    08.45 Introduzione: Dalla ricerca di base alla pratica clinica

    Moderatori: Fabio Burigana; Alberto Ugo Caddeo

    09.30 Esteban Peiró Monzó

    Epigenetica: un nuovo strumento professionale

    10.00 Dott. Massimo Bonucci

    La medicina integrata, nutrizionale e nutraceutica per i


    10.30 La medicina mitocondriale ed il ruolo epigenetico

    dell’alimentazione e della nutraceutica alla luce delle

    nuove evidenze scientifiche. - Massimo Spattini

    11.00 Conoscere i propri rischi per migliorare lo stile di vita:

    Cosa, come quando e quanto fare - Mauro Mario Mariani

    11.30 Lezione magistrale

    “Epigenetica, Medicina, Biofisica e biorisonanza”

    Pier Giorgio Spaggiari

    12.00 Lezione magistrale

    Corso di aggiornamento e formazione sull’epigenetica

    nell’era dell’inquinamento 4.0 dal punto di vista chimico,

    biochimico e biofisico - Carlos Orozco

    12.40 Esperienza Clinica su nutrizione e nutraceutica dal punto di vista epigenetico

    Maristella Marchetti

    13.10 Lunch


    Moderatori: Fabio Burigana; Alberto Ugo Caddeo

    14.20 L’importanze della nutrizione e della nutraceutica nella prevenzione

    Marta Ciani

    14.50 Lezione magistrale

    La carenza di ossigeno nelle patologie infiammatorie

    Mauro Miceli

    15.30 Lezione Magistrale

    Inflammasoma e sua modulazione(lezioni dalle oroflogosi)

    Vincenzo Aloisantoni

    16.10 Lezione Magistrale

    Dalla genetica all’epigenetica : una nuova possibilità di

    fare prevenzione - Damiano Galimberti

    16.50 Lezione Magistrale La riprogrammazione cellulare epigenetica nella

    prevenzione e supporto nella medicina antiage e nella

    neurodegenerazione - Pier Mario Biava

    17.20 Corso di formazione Teorico Pratico su epigenetica, nutraceutica e sulla

    interpretazione del test “REPORT” nella pratica clinica dal punto di vista biofisico.

    Carlos Orozco Sthephan Peiro Maristella Marchetti

    18.30 Chiusura Congresso -  Rilascio attestati

    Un medico saggio disse:
    "La migliore medicina è l'amore ".
    Qualcuno gli domandò:
    "E se non funziona?"
    Lui sorrise e gli rispose:
    "Aumenta le dosi"


    Relatori e moderatori:


    Prof. Carlos Orozco

    Il dott. Carlos Orozco vanta oltre 20 anni di esperienza nella ricerca clinica e biomedica ed è stato ricercatore a contratto presso il Karolinska Institute di Stoccolma, Sveiza; il Women’s Clinic di Tubinga, Germania; il National Institute of Nutrition e il National Institute of Respiratory Diseases di Città del Messico, Messico. Il dott. Carlos Orozco esercita medicina naturale ed energetica, ed è specializzato in sostegno oncologico e al sonno, alla nutrizione, alla guarigione quantica e alla fertilità. Ha conseguito un dottorato (PhD) in biochimica e immunologia riproduttiva presso la Scuola di scienze biomediche dell’Università di Griffith di Brisbane, Australia. Ha seguito una formazione in Nutrizione, Medicina, Naturopatia, Agopuntura, Biofisica, Biologia sperimentale, Biochimica e Immunologia - Ha lavorato negli ultimi 15 anni nel campo dell’oncologia, dell’oncologia ginecologica e della medicina integrativa ed energetica.


    Prof. Piergiorgio Spaggiari

     Si laurea in Fisica .Diventa  responsabile delle apparecchiature di fisica nucleare per una multinazionale, estendendo ricerche in oncologia. Si laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia e si specializza in Medicina dello Sport. Viene assunto come ricercatore all’Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche dove riveste il ruolo di Assistente del Presidente. Autore di numerose pubblicazioni scientifiche e relatore in numerosi convegni nazionali e internazionali.


    Dott. Mauro Mario Mariani

    medico chirurgo, specialista in Angiologia, si definisce mangiologo considerata la sua attività professionale dedicata alla corretta alimentazione basata sulla dieta Mediterranea. Tra i massimi esperti in terapia chelante.


    Prof. Vincenzo Aloisantoni

    medico odontoiatra prof. a.c. Universitá Guglielmo Marconi Roma


    Dr. Damiano Galimberti

    Specialista in Scienze dell'Alimentazione e Professore a contratto in Nutrigenomica. Fondatore e Presidente dell’Associazione Italiana Medici Anti-Aging (AMIA)


    Dott Massimo Spattini

    Medico Chirurgo - Specialista in Medicina dello Sport

    Specialista in Scienze dell’Alimentazione  - Board Certified in Anti-aging & Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM – USA)


    Dott. Alberto Ugo  Caddeo

    Medico chirurgo, specialista in anestesiologia e rianimazione, psicoterapeuta, agopuntore, docente in Quantum Medicine CNR Milano


    Dott. Fabio Burigana

    Medico, specialista in Gastroenterologia ed endoscopia digestiva, Presidente di AMEC "Associazione Medicina e Complessità“. Autore di articoli scientifici e libri; relatore in convegni e seminari in particolare sul tema del paradigma della complessità in biologia e medicina.


    Dr. Massimo Bonucci
    Specialista in “Oncologia” e in “Anatomia Patologica” e Presidente della A.R.T.O.I. “Associazione Ricerche Terapie Oncologiche Integrate”.


    Dott.ssa Maristella Marchetti

    Biologa - Specialista in Scienza della Nutrizione - Ricercatrice


    Prof. Mauro Miceli

    Biochimico Nutrizionista, Docente  del corso di Laurea in Tecnologie di  Laboratorio Biomedico Università di Firenze.


    Dott.ssa Marta Ciani, 

    Biologo Nutrizionista 


    Dott. Pier Mario Biava

    medico del lavoro, si è laureato in Medicina nell’Università di Pavia, specializzandosi prima in medicina del lavoro all'Università di Padova ed in seguito in igiene all'Università di Trieste. Fa parte dei Comitati Scientifici di alcune riviste internazionali nel campo dell’oncologia e dell’epidemiologia.


    Ringraziamo per la preziosa collaborazione:


    Arnica Ingross - Trento

    Il Convegno si terrà presso :



    Via Michelino,73 , 40127 BOLOGNA, ITALY

    Tel : +39 (0) 51 63 77 707 Fax : +39 (0) 51 51 92 24

    Uscita autostrada n. 8

    Iscrizione obbligatoria gratuita : 0,00€

     In alternativa per  le prime 100 prenotazioni:

    Con La quota di 50 Euro è compreso  il lunch light e un test (del  valore di 120 euro) con il nuovo dispositivo Sdrive,  il giorno dell’evento.

     Corso riservato a Medici, Farmacisti,

    Biologi, nutrizionisti, e a tutti gli operatori del settore salute e prevenzione

             Data Domenica 9 Settembre 2018
           Orario:    9.00 – 13.00    14.00 – 18.00

    Inizio registrazione ore  08.20

     Prenotazione obbligatoria

    Segreteria Scientifica

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     Segreteria organizzativa per le iscrizioni

    AKESIOS S.r.l.

    Per iscrizioni :

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  • Ketogenic Diet in Neuromuscular and Neurodegenerative Diseases📎

    Abstract Title:

    Ketogenic Diet in Neuromuscular and Neurodegenerative Diseases.

    Abstract Source:

    Biomed Res Int. 2014 ;2014:474296. Epub 2014 Jul 3. PMID: 25101284

    Abstract Author(s):

    Antonio Paoli, Antonino Bianco, Ernesto Damiani, Gerardo Bosco

    Article Affiliation:

    Antonio Paoli


    An increasing number of data demonstrate the utility of ketogenic diets in a variety of metabolic diseases as obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes. In regard to neurological disorders, ketogenic diet is recognized as an effective treatment for pharmacoresistant epilepsy but emerging data suggests that ketogenic diet could be also useful in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer, Parkinson's disease, and some mitochondriopathies. Although these diseases have different pathogenesis and features, there are some common mechanisms that could explain the effects of ketogenic diets. These mechanisms are to provide an efficient source of energy for the treatment of certain types of neurodegenerative diseases characterized by focal brain hypometabolism; to decrease the oxidative damage associated with various kinds of metabolic stress; to increase the mitochondrial biogenesis pathways; and to take advantage of the capacity of ketones to bypass the defect in complex I activity implicated in some neurological diseases. These mechanisms will be discussed in this review.

  • Maternal exercise during pregnancy affects mitochondrial enzymatic activity and biogenesis in offspring brain.

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    Abstract Title:

    Maternal exercise during pregnancy affects mitochondrial enzymatic activity and biogenesis in offspring brain.

    Abstract Source:

    Int J Neurosci. 2012 Dec 11. Epub 2012 Dec 11. PMID: 23227820

    Abstract Author(s):

    Jong-Won Park, Mun-Hee Kim, Su-Ju Eo, Eun-Ho Lee, Jong-Suk Kang, Hyuk-Ki Chang, Yea-Hyun Leem

    Article Affiliation:

    aDepartment of Physical Education, Dankook University , Yongin 448-701 , Korea.


    Abstract The present study addresses whether exercise during pregnancy in mouse alters mitochondrial function in the brains of the resultant offspring. We divided pregnant mice into 4 groups: a control group (CON), and groups of mice that exercised for 20 (E20m), 30 (E30m), and 40 min per day (E40m). The pregnant mice ran on a treadmill at 12 m/min, 5 days/week for a duration of 3 weeks. The protein expression of cytochrome c oxidase subunit Va (CVa) was downregulated in the offspring of the E20m group, unlike that in the control animals, while CVa expression was reservedin the E40m neonates. The F1-ATPase catalytic core (Core) protein expression levels were the highest in the E40m group neonates. Complex I, IV, and ATPase activities were significantly lower in the E20m group than that in the control group neonates and were reserved in the E30m and E40m group neonates. The activities of citrate synthase (CS) and pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) were consistent with those of complex I, IV, and ATPase. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC-1α), mitochondrial transcription factor A (Tfam), nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF-1), and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) showed high levels of expression in the E40m neonates compared to the other groups. MDA levels in E40m neonates were higher than that in the controls, but were lower than that in the E20m neonates. Finally, 40min/day of maternal exercise improved mitochondrial function inthe resultant pups and was concomitant with brain-derived trophic factor induction in the hippocampus, thereby functionally improving short-term memory.

  • Quercetin increases brain and muscle mitochondrial biogenesis and exercise tolerance📎

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    Abstract Title:

    Quercetin increases brain and muscle mitochondrial biogenesis and exercise tolerance.

    Abstract Source:

    Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2009 Apr;296(4):R1071-7. Epub 2009 Feb 11. PMID: 19211721

    Abstract Author(s):

    J Mark Davis, E Angela Murphy, Martin D Carmichael, Ben Davis


    Quercetin is one of a broad group of natural polyphenolic flavonoid substances that are being investigated for their widespread health benefits. These benefits have generally been ascribed to its combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, but recent in vitro evidence suggests that improved mitochondrial biogenesis could play an important role. In addition, the in vivo effects of quercetin on mitochondrial biogenesis exercise tolerance are unknown. We examined the effects of 7 days of quercetin feedings in mice on markers of mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle and brain, and on endurance exercise tolerance. Mice were randomly assigned to one of the following three treatment groups: placebo, 12.5 mg/kg quercetin, or 25 mg/kg quercetin. Following 7 days of treatment, mice were killed, and soleus muscle and brain were analyzed for mRNA expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator (PGC-1alpha) and sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and cytochrome c. Additional mice underwent a treadmill performance run to fatigue or were placed in voluntary activity wheel cages, and their voluntary activity (distance, time, and peak speed) was recorded. Quercetin increased mRNA expression of PGC-1alpha and SIRT1 (P<0.05), mtDNA (P<0.05) and cytochrome c concentration (P<0.05). These changes in markers of mitochondrial biogenesis were associated with an increase in both maximal endurance capacity (P<0.05) and voluntary wheel-running activity (P<0.05). These benefits of querectin on fitness without exercise training may have important implications for enhancement of athletic and military performance and may also extend to prevention and/or treatment of chronic diseases.

  • Reversal of cardiac hypertrophy with a ketogenic diet in a child with mitochondrial disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

    Abstract Title:

    Reversal of cardiac hypertrophy with a ketogenic diet in a child with mitochondrial disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

    Abstract Source:

    Can J Cardiol. 2020 Apr 28. Epub 2020 Apr 28. PMID: 32360196

    Abstract Author(s):

    Emilie Deberles, Pascale Maragnes, Marie-José Penniello-Valette, Stéphane Allouche, Michael Joubert

    Article Affiliation:

    Emilie Deberles


    Mitochondrial diseases are rare metabolic disorders which can cause hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. We describe a 3-year-old girl who was diagnosed for mitochondrial disease (mutation m.5559A>G in the mitochondrial-tRNAgene (MT-TW)). Echocardiography showed left ventricular hypertrophy with an enlarged septum (9 mm, Z-score 3.26). Antioxidant supplementation associated with a high-fat ketogenic diet were introduced and improved, as expected, neurological status. In addition, heart parameters improved with a normalization of interventricular septum thickness at the age of six (6 mm, Z-score 1.05). This case report suggests that a ketogenic diet may improve hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in the context of mitochondrial disease.

  • Vitamin C, resveratrol and lipoic acid actions on isolated rat liver mitochondria: all antioxidants but different.

    Abstract Title:

    Vitamin C, resveratrol and lipoic acid actions on isolated rat liver mitochondria: all antioxidants but different.

    Abstract Source:

    Redox Rep. 2010;15(5):207-16. PMID: 21062536

    Abstract Author(s):

    M Pilar Valdecantos, Patricia Pérez-Matute, Pablo Quintero, J Alfredo Martínez

    Article Affiliation:

    Department of Nutrition, Food Sciences, Physiology and Toxicology, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Navarra, Spain.


    Modulating mitochondrial antioxidant status is a nutritional issue of great interest in the treatment or prevention of several oxidative stress related diseases such as obesity. Thus, the aim of the present study was to analyze the effects of three antioxidants on hepatic mitochondrial function and antioxidant status. Isolated rat liver mitochondria were incubated with vitamin C, resveratrol and lipoic acid. The activity of antioxidant enzymes (manganese superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase), ROS generation and respiratory parameters (RCR, P/O ratio and respiratory states) were measured. Vitamin C influenced mitochondrial function by decreasing of ROS generation (P<0.0001), by stimulating the activity of manganese superoxide dismutase (197.60± 35.99%; P<0.001) as well as glutathione peroxidase (15.70± 5.76%; P<0.05) and by altering the activity of the electron transport chain, mainly by decreasing the P/O ratio (P<0.05). Resveratrol induced a significant increase in manganese superoxide dismutase activity (160± 11.78%; P<0.0001) and a decrease in ROS generation (P<0.05 to P<0.0001). By contrast, lipoic acid inhibited glutathione peroxidase activity (16.48± 3.27%; P<0.05) and induced the uncoupling of the electron transport chain (P<0.01). Moreover, this antioxidant induced a strong decrease in the P/O ratio (P<0.05 to P<0.0001). In conclusion, our results suggest that the three tested antioxidants produced direct effects on mitochondrial function, although the magnitude and intensity of these actions were significantly different, which may have implications when administrated as antioxidants.

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